Developing meaningful relationships begins with genuine respect and active listening.

That enables an environment where we can then walk together, talk together, and make together.

Our work often finds us at the intersection of Indigenous Peoples and Nations, government and the public sector, private enterprise, and cultural and social services. Over the past several years, we’ve been honoured to successfully walk a path together with many incredible organizations in various capacities on projects that include Community Halls and Heritage Parks, Wellness Centres, Headstart Buildings and School Expansions, Women + Children’s Shelters, and Child + Family Services / Family Preservation Buildings, and other critical infrastructure such as Water Treatment Plants. While we are still building out our portfolio of these kinds of projects, approximately half have been feasibility and/or design studies, and the remainder have been brought through construction and are completed.

We have a special connection with each of these organizations, which are or represent and serve First Nation, Inuit or Métis Peoples. Some of these relationships are just beginning, others have been ongoing for many years. If you’d like to know more, we’d be happy to speak with you and answer any questions you may have.

Taking Action

Job Opportunities, Job Shadowing and School Presentations

We’re humbled to continue to work alongside Indigenous peoples on meaningful projects that enable numerous programs to be administered by local First Nations, Métis, and Inuit groups. As part of our commitment to heed Call to Action #92 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, Next Architecture provides equitable access to jobs for Indigenous peoples.

First steps can be taken long before someone applies for a job in the architecture or design industry. We have an open offer to anyone who is Indigenous and wants to ask questions, or job shadow with us for a day or two to see if it’s a fit. The same goes for Indigenous school teachers or administrators who would like to schedule a presentation at their school: we’d be happy to make arrangements to do so.

Want to take us up on it? Contact us and we’ll set it up.

Healing Together

We’re not perfect, but we continue to try our best to make a positive difference by being active participants in this journey of healing. In our experience, the journey is a continuous loop or circle, and we grow and change with each round. Each season or cycle concludes the same way it begins - with genuine respect and active listening. In the spirit of humility, we ask that if you have suggestions on how we can improve - please let us know.